Once we got that and trained her to wait for the green light (more ignoring her crying.) she started sleeping until 6-7 again, thank god. We eventually got a Hatch Baby Rest light thing and set it to play white noise with a red light when she sleeps, then turn green and make bird noises when it's okay to wake up. When she turned about 15 months we had the opposite problem, she was going down to bed really well but consistently wanting to wake up and start the day at like 4:30am. Sometimes she regresses but if we're disciplined we can get her back on track in two days or so. The next night was 2 hours, then 1 hour, then 30 minutes, and then she figured it out. The first night we tried it she cried for 4 hours before sleeping and we felt like absolute monsters for leaving her alone. We tried the Ferber method at first, but us going into the room seemed to agitate her more, so we eventually went with extinction. Sleep training was pretty rough, my girl is stubborn like her mother.

We coslept for a long time and it worked well for us.